Handmade Shows and Markets Blue Pendulum will be in 2018 – Winnipeg and Brandon

Blue Pendulum Jewelries

Third and Bird Spring show

When: May 4 / 5

Time: May 4th – 3-8.30 pm // May 5th -10 am – 5 pm

Where: The Bay Downtown

Third and bird website

Winnipeg Night Market

When: May 25 / 26

Time: 5 pm – 11 pm

Where: The Forks Festival Field & Stage

Winnipeg night market website

Petal Pop Up

When: June 2

Time: 11 am – 4 pm

Where: Sir John Franklin Community Centre

Address: 1 Sir John Franklin Road, Winnipeg, MB

Petal pop up Facebook

Manitoba Night Market & Festival

When: June 10

Time: 3 – 11 pm

Where: Assiniboia Downs

Address: 3975 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB

Manitoba night market and festival website

Folk Festival Winnipeg

When: July 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

Where: Birds Hill Provincial Park

Folk festival website

Scattered Seeds

When: October 11/ 12 / 13 / 14

Time: Pre-shop Thursday, October 11  – 6pm – 9pm
Friday, October 12 – 10am – 9pm
Saturday, October 13 – 10am – 6pm
Sunday, October 14 – 12pm – 5pm

Where: Red River Exhibition Park

Scattered seeds website

Brandon’s Big One

When: October 20 / 21

Time: 20th – 10 am – 6 pm // 21st – 10 am – 5 pm

Where: Keystone Centre, Brandon

Brandon’s big one website

Inspirations Market

When: November 2 / 3

Time: 2nd – 5 – 9 pm // 3rd – 10 am – 4 pm

Where: Assiniboia Downs (Main Floor)

Inspirations market Facebook

Signatures Craft Show & Sale

When: November 22 / 23 / 24 / 25

Time: 22nd & 23rd – 11 am – 9 pm // 24th – 10 am – 6 pm // 25th – 10 am – 5 pm

Where: RBC Convention Centre

Signatures Winnipeg website

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